hiatus. I do not like this word or state of my life, but that's what it is. So, while I am on hold and in between worlds, take this as a piece of advice. I wear this every day. EVERY-SINGLE-DAY. It's my staple piece, why? I hate hearts. I hate heart designs. Period. Then one day, while my heart ached terribly, I went for a long walk to my favourite part of the city, Queen Street West. This is where you can taste the real flavour of this wonderful city. (Yes, I love Toronto, but I do hate being in my cubicle every day, so Queen Street West, which is close to home and my office, serves to keep me down to Earth). I digress. So, I went for a long walk, too much haze in my head, too much hurt in my heart. Things were simply not good for me. I came upon this awesome store just before Bathurst Street, called Outer Layer ( and I went in to lose my troubles and clear my mind. As I approached a glass display, I felt attracted to, yes, a heart necklace. I fell in love. I splurged. I bought it. My aches were not gone, but my heart was out in the open, enjoying the not so fresh air and the smells of my favourite place, Queen Street West. I wore it with pride. I wear it with pride to this day. I plan my other pieces around it. Here it is:

I had only to change one thing about it. The chain. Snake chains are sleek and lovely but they tend to grab my hair and pull it. I had a hefty sterling curb chain in my extensive collection, long, at 22-24 inches, and I hung it there, forever and ever. I wear my heart on my sleeve. The wonderful artist is a girl from the superb city of Montreal. This is her website: Even though I did not buy this beauty in Etsy, she does have a shop there as well, check out and drool. I have my eye on several items, but that will have to wait until my return from the Netherworld. I can't include this favourite piece of mine in the top 10 list, as that's Etsy-related. But a nice parentheses will give you an idea of how much I adore my heart, me, who hates heart designs. I shall wear my heart always and all ways. Time to sign-off. As I raise my wine glass I say: "Hearts to you..."
Photo taken from Missy Industry's Etsy shop. Go there. Shop. Now.
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