Saturday, December 26, 2009


As I was looking down, admiring the ring on my hand, I realized that I needed to continue my top 10 list. Here's number five:

This gorgeous ring was made by Dawn Wilson-Enoch who owns Desert Talismans. If you have never come across this store in Etsy, you are now in for a treat. Dawn's pieces evoke a time lost long ago, when relics had meaning and when magic was respected. I own three of her pieces and I love all of them. This ring takes this place as it's STRONG. It has outlasted my roughness, and it looks even more beautiful than when it first arrived, if that's even possible.

In addition, I love Dawn's store as I am originally a desert girl. As much as I love cold weather and the Great White North, there is nothing quite like the Moon in the desert sky and the vibrant colours of the desert landscape. Deserts are places where memories last and linger with the dust and the tumbleweeds. I have seen forest, tundra, jungle, ocean, mountain, pretty much any landscape, but nothing compares to the majesty of a desert. Go check out her store, you will not be disappointed.

Good night and sweet desert dreams.

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