Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I was born in 1970. This song is one of my earliest memories:

The earth’s a Big Blue Marble when you see it from out there.
The sun and moon declare our beauty’s very rare.
Folks are folks and kids are kids we share a common name.
We speak a different way but work and play the same.
We sing pretty much alike, enjoy Spring pretty much alike;
Peace and love we all understand and laughter, we use the very same brand.
Our differences, our problems from out there there’s not much trace
Our friendships they can place while looking at the face of the Big Blue Marble in space.

I used to watch it with my sister. We both loved it. We both wanted to see the world and meet all the different types of children. We had pen pals for many years, all the way to our teenage years. Pen pals that originated from the show. I had two that I still remember: William T. from Singapore and Chris D. from Australia. How I loved getting your letters, guys. If you are still out there, thank you for all those great letter-reading moments and the photographs and the sharing.

Do you remember the show? It marked an entire generation. I hope we can all remember some of the teachings. Unfortunately, it's easy to forget civility. There is always hope.

Thank you for reading my first post, whoever you are. Although pen pals don't exist like they did before, we do have the magic of the Internet. Welcome to the Big Blue Web. :)

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