Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Time flies when you are doing other stuff...

What do you mean it's already 2012? Well, time flies indeed. And soon the world will end, so they say. In other news, I may or may not be back. As it is, time for writing continues to be limited and there`s no possible way I can write all my thoughts down. For one, my head is a constant whirlpool of ideas; for two, I am not that organized. I shall try, I shall. Have a lovely evening, world.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sipping wine, adapting to change

Nothing like a good glass of wine to enjoy a long weekend. I have been rather quiet lately around here, I know.

Life is change. Change builds character. I believe in change.

I am a person who gets bored easily. Once my boredom reaches its peak, I must move on, try something new, release my Self. This may sound strange coming from someone who happens to have a stable married life. In my world, change comes in other aspects.

Change means trying something new with my half-life-long partner (husband) and the love of my life (son). Change means finding new ways to entertain ourselves and view our context in a different light.

My mother believes that I have a nomad soul. I believe that she is right to a certain extent. I find no physical home to be my root. I believe in not holding on to material things too long. I believe in living simply and enjoying simple things in complex ways. My home lays at my husband's and my son's hearts, not in a brick and wood construct. My home is my love for my friends, not wheels and a motor.

My current state of mind leads me to believe that I have reached a peak, and that the change will come from within to feed my need for novelty.

Over a decade ago I learned of Xeper. Today, I apply it.

In the meantime, I read, and feed my addiction to fantasy and science fiction.

Cheers and good night.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Crazy January, even crazier February

I will return to blogging soon. Too much going on. Cheers!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy 2010!

Have a truly wonderful 2010 celebration everyone. I wish everyone the best for the coming year. Cheers!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


As I was looking down, admiring the ring on my hand, I realized that I needed to continue my top 10 list. Here's number five:

This gorgeous ring was made by Dawn Wilson-Enoch who owns Desert Talismans. If you have never come across this store in Etsy, you are now in for a treat. Dawn's pieces evoke a time lost long ago, when relics had meaning and when magic was respected. I own three of her pieces and I love all of them. This ring takes this place as it's STRONG. It has outlasted my roughness, and it looks even more beautiful than when it first arrived, if that's even possible.

In addition, I love Dawn's store as I am originally a desert girl. As much as I love cold weather and the Great White North, there is nothing quite like the Moon in the desert sky and the vibrant colours of the desert landscape. Deserts are places where memories last and linger with the dust and the tumbleweeds. I have seen forest, tundra, jungle, ocean, mountain, pretty much any landscape, but nothing compares to the majesty of a desert. Go check out her store, you will not be disappointed.

Good night and sweet desert dreams.

Monday, December 7, 2009

How to make Yohopee happy

Just give me cool stuff! This is me today:

This is what makes me happy (I am wearing it in the photo above).

This AWESOME little pendant comes from JDavisStudio. I had been eyeing it for weeks and I finally got my claws on it! Check out Jill's store, it's absolutely lovely. I will eventually return for a house ring (maybe an apartment complex as that's where I live?). For now, this little clock will accompany me wherever I go. It's great alone, it's also great for layering. Either way, it will keep me punctual as it's always on time. MY TIME! Bwahahaha!

Cheers and good night!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Dzi bead

I admit that I am an avid collector. As you well know, I love jewellery. I also admit that I have a weakness for beads. Old ones. A couple of years ago I came across this one bead that I adored. It was meant to be and, in good fortune, it became mine. It's an old Dzi bead. I have taken some photos to show its beauty:

It has two "eyes" and one other shape. The lady who passed it on to me, a lovely Tibetan woman, told me the shape is reminiscent of a dragon. She also mentioned that I should always wear it next to my skin. I try to remember that. I strung it as a necklace with Afghan Jade and sterling beads. It's a simple design and I may change it later. For now, it's functional and it shows off the bead beautifully.

Now I need someone to tell me what it means. The lady told me it was a very special bead, but she never elaborated. So now, I am on a mission to find out!
Let me know if you can educate me. :)
Good night!