Saturday, October 10, 2009

A metal obsession

It's not bags. It's not shoes. It's not clothes. It IS books, ok, yes, I admit, paper turns me on much more than the latter. Especially when it's in Science Fiction writings. However, my real obsession is one: METAL. Not heavy metal, although I am a headbanger by heart. METAL. HARD. COLD. METAL. I used to collect knives. Now I stick to jewellery. Metal hanging here, metal wrapping there, metal! I am not sure it's healthy but, really, who gives a flying f***, I love metal! Gold, it's ok. Brass, much more interesting. Bronze, oh, baby! Copper, now you're talking! Silver, BRING IT ON! I wear metal clothed, I wear metal naked. I wear metal at all times. Metal dresses me. Yes, yes, yes, I don't go around the streets walking unclothed, plus that would be an ugly sight (improving since I took up Tae Kwon Do again, but nevertheless ugly), but I never, NEVER, go out without earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, METAL! FULL METAL... ok, I do not have a metal jacket, but I have lots and lots and lots of jewels. I am a dragon, I hoard! As I am on hiatus and thinking about my next top 10 item, I needed to let you know that I have an obession: METAL.

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