Friday, November 13, 2009

Great Rock Moves

Disclaimer: At home, sick and bored.

I am now listening to Q107, classic rock station in Toronto. Joanne Wilder is on and she's asking who has the greatest rock moves. Of course, being the nut that I am, here's my post on their website:

It reads:

"Bruce Dickinson doing The Trooper, Tuomas Holopainen at keyboards while flipping his hair (yes, newer stuff, and I am old, but hey, gotta keep my options open) and Mick Jagger doing ANYTHING! ;)
Posted By Yoholas On 11/13/2009 9:57:55 AM"

Yes, Yoholas is another one of my cyber-egos. I know, I am a nutcase, ha! So, who do you think has the best rock moves?


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