Friday, November 20, 2009

Where was I? Oh, yes, number 6!

It's taken a while, but here it is. Number 6!

One of my favourite books while growing up, The Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding. Please, do not watch the movie prior to reading the book. The book is MUCH MORE profound and shocking.

As soon as I realized that Jessi Taylor's store existed, my world was enlightened.

This necklace is a winner. No more needs to be said. It's gorgeous, stunning, beautiful and I wear it pretty much every week.

Every time I wear it, someone asks about it, and someone gasps as soon as they realize what it is and what it represents. I love the shock factor. I wear this necklace alone and layered with other pieces. I am going to cheat, as I also own this piece by Jessi:

When I wear them together, the effect is priceless. :)

All images belong to Jessi Taylor, go, go, go, get enlightened!

Cheers and good night!

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous pendant! I own one of Jessi's mangles and it has pretty much stayed on 24/7 since it arrived over two years ago!

    Happy New Year!
