Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy 2010!
Have a truly wonderful 2010 celebration everyone. I wish everyone the best for the coming year. Cheers!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
As I was looking down, admiring the ring on my hand, I realized that I needed to continue my top 10 list. Here's number five:
This gorgeous ring was made by Dawn Wilson-Enoch who owns Desert Talismans. If you have never come across this store in Etsy, you are now in for a treat. Dawn's pieces evoke a time lost long ago, when relics had meaning and when magic was respected. I own three of her pieces and I love all of them. This ring takes this place as it's STRONG. It has outlasted my roughness, and it looks even more beautiful than when it first arrived, if that's even possible.
In addition, I love Dawn's store as I am originally a desert girl. As much as I love cold weather and the Great White North, there is nothing quite like the Moon in the desert sky and the vibrant colours of the desert landscape. Deserts are places where memories last and linger with the dust and the tumbleweeds. I have seen forest, tundra, jungle, ocean, mountain, pretty much any landscape, but nothing compares to the majesty of a desert. Go check out her store, you will not be disappointed.
Good night and sweet desert dreams.
Monday, December 7, 2009
How to make Yohopee happy
Just give me cool stuff! This is me today:
This is what makes me happy (I am wearing it in the photo above).
This AWESOME little pendant comes from JDavisStudio. I had been eyeing it for weeks and I finally got my claws on it! Check out Jill's store, it's absolutely lovely. I will eventually return for a house ring (maybe an apartment complex as that's where I live?). For now, this little clock will accompany me wherever I go. It's great alone, it's also great for layering. Either way, it will keep me punctual as it's always on time. MY TIME! Bwahahaha!
Cheers and good night!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
My Dzi bead

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Will the real Yoda please stand up?
Not only do we not know what species Yoda is but, we do not know the exact shape of his feet.
I am still recovering from the shock.
No, the image is not mine, who knows who this belongs to but, truly, I am not making any money out of it so let me be.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Where was I? Oh, yes, number 6!
It's taken a while, but here it is. Number 6!
One of my favourite books while growing up, The Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding. Please, do not watch the movie prior to reading the book. The book is MUCH MORE profound and shocking.
As soon as I realized that Jessi Taylor's store existed, my world was enlightened.
This necklace is a winner. No more needs to be said. It's gorgeous, stunning, beautiful and I wear it pretty much every week.
Every time I wear it, someone asks about it, and someone gasps as soon as they realize what it is and what it represents. I love the shock factor. I wear this necklace alone and layered with other pieces. I am going to cheat, as I also own this piece by Jessi:
When I wear them together, the effect is priceless. :)
All images belong to Jessi Taylor, go, go, go, get enlightened!
Cheers and good night!
Monday, November 16, 2009
By the way...
I mentioned Tosca Teran and her lovely Toronto studio in my post below. Well, this lovely lady also informed me of this great upcoming event: City of Craft, December 12 & 13, 2009, The Theatre Centre - 1087 Queen Street West, Toronto. I intend to go so, if you are from around here, mark your calendars. Click on the image below to visit their web site:

Support your local artists and buy hand-made goods. Re-cheers!
The image above belongs to City of Craft and it's not used for profit purposes. (Don't you hate all these disclaimers people have to use nowadays?)
Still sick, working, but I needed a "ring break"!
I am home sick again today. I am working, however, I decided to keep out of the office in order to limit the spread of my nasty cold. I think I had a slight fever yesterday, and my head still hurts today. I am sneezing like crazy, my nose is running, etc. The works! Today it will be chicken soup and lots of other fluids. For now, I must confess, even when I am sick, I have to shower, get dressed, and put on some nice jewels to lift my spirits. I find that, when I am feeling under the weather, decking up actually makes me improve faster. It's all in the mind. So, that being said, here are today's winning combinations:
Right hand, my every day ring, Maquette III, from Nanopod (on the left), and my lovely "mushroom" ring from Discomedusa (on the right).
I wear BIG rings. I have big hands (pale and dry as well, thank you colder weather and constant hand-washing due to illness), so small rings get lost in my fingers. I like to feel the weight of metal. Both rings are actually quite comfortable to wear together. I never take off my Maquette III ring. I bought it a few weeks ago from Tosca Teran at her lovely Toronto studio, Nanopod: Hybrid Studio and, since then, it's lived on my hand day and night. It's my staple.
Left hand, winning stackers of the day, my other Nanopod treasure, Cratonic ring, my own wedding band (both never come off either), and one of my favourites, my Pebble ring from BlackDaisyDesigns, one of my most loved stores.
I shall continue with the top ten list soon enough. I just have all these other tangents to go to. Welcome to my ever wandering mind.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Gotta love the stacks!
From the left: Cratonic ring by Nanopod, my own gold wedding band, Oro Stones by Johnnyninos.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Great Rock Moves
I am now listening to Q107, classic rock station in Toronto. Joanne Wilder is on and she's asking who has the greatest rock moves. Of course, being the nut that I am, here's my post on their website:

It reads:
"Bruce Dickinson doing The Trooper, Tuomas Holopainen at keyboards while flipping his hair (yes, newer stuff, and I am old, but hey, gotta keep my options open) and Mick Jagger doing ANYTHING! ;)
Posted By Yoholas On 11/13/2009 9:57:55 AM"
Yes, Yoholas is another one of my cyber-egos. I know, I am a nutcase, ha! So, who do you think has the best rock moves?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Chestnuts in the cold
I keep drooling over him (yes, him). Soon, soon... :)

This photo belongs to the lovely Anna-Karin, from BlackDaisyDesigns, one of my favourite stores, check it out:
I love roasted chestnuts while walking in the cold.
Good night!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
What is yohopee?
And another one from, this document ( states that:
There you have it. Now you know.
The long expected number 7!!!
Either I wear him on the cord that I bought at the same time, which also has two miniature works of art:

Or I use a steel and sterling silver cord that I bought at a local jewellery store. Either way, it's stunning and people will approach me to find out what lives around my neck.
There you have it, the long awaited Number 7! Both photos are property of JewelsVine and and not used here for profit, piracy, pomegranates, or puritanical matters. Go and buy miniature works of art. You won't regret it:
Happy November!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
And the story continues...

Friendship in our times
I am now grateful for the Internet. Over a decade ago, I left my parents' home to go study a graduate degree in the United States. It was truly not that far as I am from northern Mexico and I went to live for two years to San Angelo, Texas, about a 10-hour drive, including rest stops. However, I had been dating this hot guy for a few years before I finished my undergraduate degree and we did not know if our relationship would continue, as I was leaving our city. Well, I can tell you now that our story was a happy one. Due to easy Internet communication, we were in touch pretty much daily. This also meant that, since the interest continued, he visited me every two or three months in the two-year period that I was studying and working in Texas (yes, I was employed by the Small Business Administration as part of the contract to study a full-time MBA program, all quite legal, thank you). We have now been married for 12 years, and it’s 18 years today that we started dating. Thank you e-mail and Internet. :)
Here is a photo of us when we started dating back in 1991, a funny one:

I can still be thankful for the Internet. I have made some long-distance friendships that have lasted over 10 years and I am still making new friendships that would otherwise be impossible.
Long live the Big Blue Marble!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
To be continued...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
A metal obsession
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hiatus and parentheses in between the Top 10 list.
I had only to change one thing about it. The chain. Snake chains are sleek and lovely but they tend to grab my hair and pull it. I had a hefty sterling curb chain in my extensive collection, long, at 22-24 inches, and I hung it there, forever and ever. I wear my heart on my sleeve. The wonderful artist is a girl from the superb city of Montreal. This is her website: Even though I did not buy this beauty in Etsy, she does have a shop there as well, check out and drool. I have my eye on several items, but that will have to wait until my return from the Netherworld. I can't include this favourite piece of mine in the top 10 list, as that's Etsy-related. But a nice parentheses will give you an idea of how much I adore my heart, me, who hates heart designs. I shall wear my heart always and all ways. Time to sign-off. As I raise my wine glass I say: "Hearts to you..."
Photo taken from Missy Industry's Etsy shop. Go there. Shop. Now.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
8 is not enough!

There are no words to describe its beauty. You would have to see it in person, the photograph does not do it justice. Mary is an incredible artist and, not only is her work impeccable, she takes time to actually name her pieces in remarkable ways. I wear this pendant very often, on its rubber cord or on a chain. It looks fantastic anyway and I always get comments on it. It's quite unusual and people love the name and the fact that it looks like a butterfly.
Again, this photograph is propery of Mary Bird, please do visit her shop, her jewellery is a must see. Until next time! Ciao!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Did someone say number 9?
9! Mushroom ring. Ok, so the name that Discomedusa gives to this ring is "everyday ring". To me, it's always looked like a mushroom. This ring is MUCH better in person. Caitlyn from Discomedusa made one especially for me, and it turned out to be a knockout! I wear it often, very often, it is perfect for every day if you love rings and big heavy metal on your fingers. It's a delight to the eye and to the touch. Every time I wear it someone comments on it. Either they call it unusual and they stare like it's a poisonous exotic thing, or they ask me to actually weigh it, which always surprises whoever decides to ask how much I paid for it (practically nothing for the workmanship and weight!). So there you have it, my #9 item, much loved, much enjoyed. Please do visit Caitlyn's store, I own a couple of her jewels and they rock! Go to
The photograph belongs to discomedusa and I am making no money by showing it here! :)
Ciao for now!
Just a few of my favourite things

10! This is a Tibetan Antique Pendant necklace designed by Katja Adams at her Etsy store.
I have always loved antiques and this pendant was one of the first things that I bought on Etsy. I wear it often and people always comment on it. Many think it's a hanging antique pocket knife. Invariably, the glances come to my neck. It's classy, it's easy to wear, and it's got an aura of history. Katja knows how to combine colours into timeless designs, just check out her store.
The photograph belongs to "katjaadamsdesign" and it's used here without lucrative means.
The list shall continue, so stay tuned!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The earth’s a Big Blue Marble when you see it from out there.
The sun and moon declare our beauty’s very rare.
Folks are folks and kids are kids we share a common name.
We speak a different way but work and play the same.
We sing pretty much alike, enjoy Spring pretty much alike;
Peace and love we all understand and laughter, we use the very same brand.
Our differences, our problems from out there there’s not much trace
Our friendships they can place while looking at the face of the Big Blue Marble in space.
I used to watch it with my sister. We both loved it. We both wanted to see the world and meet all the different types of children. We had pen pals for many years, all the way to our teenage years. Pen pals that originated from the show. I had two that I still remember: William T. from Singapore and Chris D. from Australia. How I loved getting your letters, guys. If you are still out there, thank you for all those great letter-reading moments and the photographs and the sharing.
Do you remember the show? It marked an entire generation. I hope we can all remember some of the teachings. Unfortunately, it's easy to forget civility. There is always hope.
Thank you for reading my first post, whoever you are. Although pen pals don't exist like they did before, we do have the magic of the Internet. Welcome to the Big Blue Web. :)