Thursday, October 1, 2009

8 is not enough!

This list is quite a challenge. Finally, number 8 comes to light:

8! THE FOG ARRIVES ON GOSSAMER WINGS. I bought this pendant from marybird at this link:

There are no words to describe its beauty. You would have to see it in person, the photograph does not do it justice. Mary is an incredible artist and, not only is her work impeccable, she takes time to actually name her pieces in remarkable ways. I wear this pendant very often, on its rubber cord or on a chain. It looks fantastic anyway and I always get comments on it. It's quite unusual and people love the name and the fact that it looks like a butterfly.

Again, this photograph is propery of Mary Bird, please do visit her shop, her jewellery is a must see. Until next time! Ciao!

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